This season, increased yield of honey

Due to the long spring this year and the strong blossom our bees were able to really capitalise on abundant crops and the pollination process was easier than in previous years. This constant activity was the main catalyst in an increase yield of Yellow Box, Red Box and Yellow Stringy blends. Honey and Health

We are quietly confident the yield will continue to increase as the month ends with a strong forcast and all the green foliage it’s really hard to imagine anything else but an increase month on month of…

  • Yellow Box
  • Red Box
  • Yellow Stringy
  • Honeycomb

we look forward to updating you with the current trends as we buckle in for a bumper season at All The Buzz

Bees hard at work!

Liquid gold 100% Austalian Single Origin RAW Honey so good in so many ways, natural, pure and Delicious!

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