All The Buzz FAQ



Is All The Buzz Australian Owned & Made?

Yes, All The Buzz is an Australian owned brand made in Australia by an Australian beekeepers in NSW, Queensland, Victoria and extracted in Australia Gippsland Victoria…


What is Manuka honey?

Manuka honey is honey that has been produced from bees who forage particular varieties/types of Leptospermum plants…



Does the All The Buzz brand contain imported honey?

No. All The Buzz-branded products do not contain any international honey…



Does All The Buzz Honey contain added sugar?

No. All The Buzz Honey does not contain added sugars…



Does All The Buzz Honey contain rice syrup?

No. Our honey does not contain rice syrup or any other added sugar syrups…



Does All The Buzz Honey contain corn syrup?

No. Our honey does not contain corn syrup or any other added sugar syrups…



Does All The Buzz heat treat honey?

We do not actively heat treat honey, unless it is a legal requirement of the region it is being distributed to by law…



Is All The Buzz Honey gluten free?

Yes. All The Buzz’s honey is naturally gluten free. It does not contain wheat or by-products of wheat…



Is All The Buzz Honey Halal?

All The Buzz does not label domestic products with Halal Certification, however it is a requirement of some of our export markets…



Why does the taste and thickness and colour of my honey change?

Because honey is a natural product it varies in flavour, colour and thickness depending on the type of tree the honey is made from…



How can honey be organic?

Organic beekeeping is very difficult and takes great skill on the part of the beekeeper to maintain hive strength with only organic measures…


Are there antibiotics in All The Buzz Honey?

We have a range of processes to ensure quality conditions of all of our hives and their surrounding plants including regular site inspections…



What is active honey?

Active honey is honey that has been tested and proven to contain ‘bioactive’ compounds…



What are Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids?

Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids are generated naturally by plants. They are used as a defence mechanism and have been detected in a range of foods…



Does honey have a use by date?

Whether your honey will have an expiry or best before date printed on the pack will depend on where you are located and the Brand of honey…



Why has my honey gone all lumpy and full of ‘sugar’?

Candying or crystallisation of honey is a natural process relating to the characteristics of individual honeys…



Can honey be fed to babies?

It is recommended to avoid giving honey to infants under the age of 12 months due to a very small risk of the child contracting Infant Botulism…



Is All The Buzz Honey pasteurised?

No. All The Buzz Honey is not pasteurised. We do not hold our honey at high temperatures. Only minimal handling and warming is used when packaging our premium Australian honey…