
World Bee Day 20th May

World Bee Day 20th May

Save Our Bees

Save Our Environment

Save Our Food Supply

Bees are hard working, collaborative and beautiful creatures.

Without them we wouldn’t survive.

Bees are essential to keeping us healthy and the earth sustainable.

Bees spend their lives working to provide an abundance of food and flowers.

They are considered the most important species on the planet.

World Bee Day was foundered the 18th century by Anton Jansa, who was an important influencer in the pioneering of beekeeping. He was the first person to highlight the importance of bees in the world environment.


All The Buzz are proud to support World Bee Day!


“Tellus ut elit telluctus.”


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.”

Since then, beekeeping has become a vital necessity in the world’s ecosystems and economic systems. World Bee Day exists to educate people about the importance of bees and how to help preserve them for the sake of the future.


“Bees are under continuous threat from human activity. This includes the introduction of invasive insects, pesticides, land-use change, and mono-coping practises. These practises have been continuous and have been destroying bee colonies over time.”

Bees have been around for thousands of years. the very first bee found was 100 million years old!

These fantastic buzzy fuzzy creatures help keep the plants and planet alive.

Bees are under continuous threat from human activity. This includes the introduction of invasive insects, pesticides, land-use change, and mono-coping practises. These practises have been continuous and have been destroying bee colonies over time.

We can all help out our little friends by planting an arrangement of plants in our gardens. Support the local bee keeps by buying honey from them. Avoid using harmful pesticides.

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